If it’s your first time here on the blog, welcome! Along with sharing my coaching & mentoring tips you may or may not know that I without a doubt absolutely love everything I do. I have worked very hard to have the life I lead today.
I can tell you with confidence that you just never know what life has in store for you. Now, after having lived through it (through all the trials and tribulations!) here’s what I can tell you about turning your passion into a career:
1) Believe that you can
Whatever your passion or dream job is, you first have to believe in yourself and know that you have the potential to do amazing things. It may not be easy, and you may still have days of self-doubt, but you do have the magic inside you to make it happen from the moment you decide to make it happen. It’s that simple.
2) Start Small
You are probably dying to quit your job that you don’t like and jump into a new career, but sometimes it’s good to start small. Start something on the side and nurture it while you still have the security of a full time job. If it sets your heart on fire, then you know you are on the right track to life and career happiness. Keep going. You will know when it’s the right time to take the leap.
3) Surround yourself with good people
I’m a firm believer that you become like the 5 closest people around you. So choose your friends and associates wisely. Surround yourself with successful people, kind people, like-minded people, people that are inspiring, passionate and encouraging. Life is far too short to hang out with people that will bring you down and try to squash your ambitions. If your friends don’t make you feel good and believe in your crazy dreams (whatever they may be!), then it’s maybe time to leave them behind.
4) Continue to learn
Once a student, always a student. Be hungry for new skills and know that education is an investment into your future and most importantly for your mind. From a photography course to a nutrition course, no course or workshop is ever a waste, you always learn SOMETHING. Human beings are curious, so don’t think it’s strange to educate yourself in an area of interest. Even to this day, I continue to learn and enrol in new courses / programmes (I plan 2-4 courses per year) because I want to expand my knowledge to up skill myself in different areas to be the best I can for my clients in my field.
5) Optimise
Each month or each quarter, I take time to evaluate and optimise all of the areas in my life. What’s working? What’s not working? Do I want to do more of this? What is taking too much of my energy? I am continually optimising the areas of my life and business to ensure optimal happiness and income. Don’t be afraid to say no to something that no longer serves you. Remember that saying no is more powerful than saying yes.
6) Stop caring what people think
Last but not least, stop caring what people think. I cannot emphasise this enough. The sooner you stop letting other people’s opinions rule your life and your decisions, the sooner you’ll be set free and live authentically in your power. If you listen to what everyone is telling you to do all of the time, 9 times out of 10 you’ll never end up doing anything. I’m not saying that your parents, partners or friends don’t have your best interest at heart, but the most important voice to listen to you, is the one inside you. Be true to your values and just go for it. Why be afraid of taking a shot you’ve never taken before?
So if you are contemplating turning your passion or multiple passions into a career, I hope the above tips can encourage you to start thinking about making it a reality. The first step is actually acknowledging that burning desire inside you that you need to make a change, and that change needs to start today.
If you are on the fence about starting your own business, side-hustle or transitioning into a new career, I am available for 1-to-1 coaching sessions. If you want to start changing your life, book in a discovery call so we can get started so that you can create the long-lasting transformation and success you deserve.
Big love,
Catherine x